Friday, October 18, 2013

Village Tour

Village tour
After a year in Samoa, I think it’s time to give you a peek at the village I’ve been calling home. I started taking these photos about an hour before sunset but was delayed by several curious neighbors asking about what I was up to with my camera. So if the last few pictures are a bit blurring, it’s because it was getting dark and I had to use the nighttime setting. Also, I tried to take each photo from about the farthest clearly visible light post in each picture to give you an idea of the distance covered between photos.

The road to my village:

 The first house, my buddy, Oliva:

Through the village:

Houses across the river

The EFKS church and pastor’s house:

The church is in the background

The school:
You can see my blue house with the red and yellow trim next to the school

The last stretch:

Drying leaves for mats

A store with an outdoor pool table 

Burning rubbish 

(At this point I had to start using the night settings.)

That's the Mormon church at the end of the main part of my village

I hope you enjoyed seeing where I live!


  1. I'm glad I found your blog and got a chance to see these pictures showing what Patamea is like. Jordan, my boyfriend is currently a PCV in Patamea (group 88). I believe he might be living in the same house that you used to stay, which is in the school compound. He did complain about no water after the storm. Anyway, thanks for sharing these pictures with everyone.

    1. Awesome! Patamea is great. It gets its water right from the river. Whenever there is a major storm, it clogs the water station and so water is down for a bit. Are you going to visit?
