
If you feel like sending me a care package, here are a few things I would always appreciate.
My address is:

Zach Wegner, PCV
Peace Corps Samoa
Private Bag
Apia, Western Samoa

  • seasoning packages
  • floss (try asking for a few extra if you get your teeth cleaned)
  • music/movies (maybe a thumb drive loaded up?)
  • top-up my phone @ www.ezetop.com (just put in my phone number and follow the directions. If you don't have my phone number, send me an email or a message from the link on my home page or ask my folks for it if you know them. I don't really want to post my phone number online.)
  • dollar store toys. These work best if you find the packages of a bunch of things in one rather than just single items. Trust me, my students will love even the simplest toy you send.
  • T-shirts (medium and cheap)


  1. I can't find your address. Would love to send care packages.

    1. I just posted it on this page to help out. I think it's somewhere in one of my blogs but will be better here. Miss you and love you!

  2. Think of you a lot. Enjoy your blogs when I finally get them. Will be living vicariously through your travels
