Tuesday, September 11, 2012


As the other people in my group are also saying, this is getting really real! I got my staging materials yesterday! Within 30 minutes I had already booked my tickets to Los Angeles. I'm supposed to be in LA at the hotel by 6:00pm on October 4th. I reserved a ticket for September 30th so I would have time to run the Big Gay Race in Minneapolis on the 29th and then go to San Diego to see my brother and his wife and my nephew and niece (whom I've only met through Skype)

Peace Corps also has a program to keep volunteers in touch with teachers back home. I spent the morning today at my former high school talking to teachers about how we might be able to work together once I'm in Samoa. It sounds like I'll be able to work with a health teacher, social studies teacher, and an agricultural science teacher (thanks Lisa, Amy, and Chris!).

Now I'm just planning and organizing my last 24 days before I leave...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! How exciting! It's getting closer and more real as your friends said. Keep us posted!
    PS I love the name of the race in Minneapolis:-)
